Friday, January 2, 2009

New Book, New Window, New Door

Another new year have come. Another resolutions people made up. People open new book in their life, seek for a new window/door for a better life. But still yet, there's people who still stick to their old resolution to be done which ever that they cannot complete it last year.

And for me, i really don't know what is my resolution for this year. Just like years before, I don't care about the resolutions. What across my mind at that time, that would be my resolution. From the moment that i wrote this, my resolution is to get a CLIENT. That's it. And to achieve the goal, of course we have to plan it well. Planning is my worst enemy. I hate planning. That's my weakness. I love spontaneous. I love surprises. But spontaneous always drive me into trouble. But its ok wif me. As long as it doesn't worsting me.

To those who have set their resolution for this year, I wish u GOOD LUCK. Try ur best to achieve it. Don't just "Hangat2 tahi ayam. Panas awalnya, lama2 sejuk, keras". Don't just make a resolution but don't take any action to achieve it.